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If you want to make sure you get the CORRECT AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR YOUR TRADE-IN VEHICLE, please CONTACT ME as soon as possible.


If you had a TRADE IN vehicle when you bought your LEMON vehicle, this is VERY IMPORTANT. If you didn’t trade a vehicle in on your LEMON vehicle, the information here doesn’t apply to you.

This can add THOUSANDS of dollars to your Lemon Law refund, and many people trying to represent themselves in their Lemon Law claim don’t even understand this.


When you are calculating your REFUND, the law allows you to ELECT to use the N.A.D.A. retail value of the vehicle you traded in on your LEMON as your trade in allowance.

You have to specifically ELECT to do this. You don’t just get it automatically.


**If you’ve gotten a refund “settlement” through Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) arbitration I believe you should have me “run these numbers” for you to see if MONEY should be added to your REFUND, and, if so, HOW MUCH MONEY should be added.**   


I REALLY hate to see anyone LOSE this money because they don’t understand how this works and what they need to do.


I can CALCULATE these dollar figures for you if you hire me to help you. If this will add money to your Lemon Law refund (it usually does), I will get back with you with a simple statement: “Your Lemon Law refund would be increased by $ {amount} if you elect to use the N.A.D.A. retail value of your trade in vehicle.” 


Here’s what I do for my clients:


I get my hands on the N.A.D.A. booklet that was in effect on the date the LEMON vehicle was purchased. That is the N.A.D.A. booklet that applies and it is usually a date in the PAST. These N.A.D.A. booklets are issued MONTHLY. So, unless you have a subscription to N.A.D.A. (like I do) it can be difficult to locate the correct N.A.D.A. booklet. For my clients, I just go to my shelf in my Office Library and pull the correct N.A.D.A. value.


I check to confirm that the N.A.D.A. RETAIL value of the trade in vehicle is MORE than the trade in allowance that the dealership gave when the LEMON vehicle was purchased…it almost always is. Think about it: dealerships give TRADE IN VALUE for trade in vehicles, they don’t give RETAIL VALUE for trade in vehicles.


I properly make the ELECTION under the law so that this MONEY can be added to my client’s Lemon Law refund.


I have applied the N.A.D.A. value to INCREASE my client’s refund BEFORE:


I got Ford Motor Company to INCREASE a client's refund by $1,900.00 by properly electing to use the N.A.D.A. value.

I got Ford Motor Company to INCREASE a client's refund by $2,025.00 by properly electing to use the N.A.D.A. value.

I got Nissan North America, Inc. to INCREASE a client's refund by $8,925.00 by properly electing to use the N.A.D.A. value.


These are just SOME EXAMPLES.


I want to do the same for YOU.


If you are interested in having me help you make sure you get the CORRECT AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR YOUR TRADE-IN VEHICLEplease CONTACT ME as soon as possible.


© 2024 Robert Earl Case, Jr. Attorney at Law

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